Authentic Fireplaces Chimney Repair is dedicated to helping you ensure the safety of your home and loved ones. All too often, homeowners appreciate the benefits of a warm, crackling fire in the winter months, but fail to appreciate the utter importance of a safely working chimney. This neglect can be extremely dangerous, allowing soot and creosote to accumulate, and leading to potentially hazardous chimney fires.
Our goal at Authentic Fireplaces Chimney Repair is to offer our customers full chimney repair services, so they’re never left to hazard the risks of chimney neglect. And since we understand that perhaps the only thing less welcome to you than a chimney fire is an exorbitant and unexpected service fee, we offer fair and competitive rates on all jobs.
At Authentic Fireplaces Chimney Repair we offer the best tools and technology to keep your fireplace safer and warmer than ever. Remember, your family and home aren’t safe if your chimney isn’t safe! We deliver safety, quality, dependability, honesty, and fairness. Give us a call today to learn about our maintenance programs.
Chimney Relining • Rebuilding • Redesign • Repairs • Dampers
Featured Brand:
Forever Flex by Olympia Chimney Supply
Member of:
Chimney Safety Institute of America #4366
National Chimney Sweeps Guild
Better Business Bureau of San Diego
Jim Crawford, President
C29 Mason / B1 General Contractor - License # 671439
Workers Compensation with State Fund
Liability with Aero General Insurance
Authentic Fireplaces Chimney Repair
Business: 858-274-6134
Cell: 858-274-1546