What is the EHIC and how can it help me?
The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) replaces the former E111 form. UK residents carrying the new EHIC are entitled to free or REDUCED COST healthcare, depending on the country they are visiting. American Express will offer a discount on your travel insurance premium to all EHIC card holders.
What if I lose my passport or have it stolen?
If you are in the UK, you will need to fill in a LS01 form which will quickly cancel your passport and prevent it being misused. It will also order you a replacement passport.
You can obtain a form from the following sources:
Post Office
Police Stations
www.passport.gov.uk - the UKPS website
UKPS offices
The Passport Advice Line - 0870 521 0410
If you are abroad, the first thing that you should do is report it to the local police. Then contact the nearest British Foreign and Commonwealth Consulate, Embassy or High Commission. They will help you to report the loss of your passport to the UK passport service, and arrange for replacement travel documentation.
Taking money overseas?
It's always a good idea to take some local currency with you. You may need it on arrival for taxis, bottled water while you travel or for small purchases while you are shopping.
Make use of the hotel safety deposit box wherever it's available and keep any money that you carry in a discreet secure place - you can buy money belts which are small and easy to carry.
Take the remainder of the money in Travellers Cheques so that they can be replaced quickly if they are lost or stolen.
Most destinations will accept credit cards, so these are a good option to have when you are away from home. Alternatively, some banks offer their customers access to their cash while abroad via their debit card (although charges and commission can be very high so be careful!).
Worried about theft abroad (or at home)?
Lost or stolen bags are an inconvenience at home, but its often much harder to sort out everything with the banks, card providers and get hold of your document numbers and passport details when you are away.
Many card providers provide an online security vault where you can store copies of all your important documents and card details securely online and access them anywhere in the world via your private account. Should your cards get lost or stolen, you can just make one phone call to us and we can cancel them for you to prevent further loss and request replacements.
It isn't always practical to carry photocopies of all your travel documents, so its extra reassurance to know that you can access copies online via your online account or we will even fax them to your hotel 24/7 in an emergency.